Ultramarines Terminators Brother Andrus

Warhammer 40,000 > Adeptus Astartes > Ultramarines

Ultramarines Terminators Brother Andrus Posed
Ultramarines Terminators Brother Andrus

Collector Community:

This figure has an average rating of (5), based on 2 rating(s).

42 users have this figure in their collection, with 47 total quantity.

0 users have this figure on pre-order.

2 users have this figure on their wishlist, with 2 total quantity.


Line: Warhammer 40,000

Faction: Adeptus Astartes

Sub Faction: Ultramarines

Year: 2023

RRP: $49.99*All price data gathered from joytoy.com where possible.

Reissued: No


- Storm bolter
- Alternate hand
- Stand

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